Posted on March 27, 2022 by xtxwebmaster
We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. It seems the lower the
frequency, the heavier your problems may appear, and the denser your energy will
become. The higher the frequency of your vibration or energy, the lighter you
will find yourself feeling in your physical, emotional and mental bodies.
It’s important to recognize that you are a living energy field, composed of energy-
producing particles, and these are all in constant motion. As everything and
everyone in the universe, are vibrating and creating energy. These vibrations are
kind of like your own personal rhythm happening on a grand scale, much like tidal
patterns or changing seasons. This, too, is happening within your own body.
For example, heartbeats, breathing rates, and circadian rhythms are physiological rhythms
which we can measure, feel, and see. Imagine the much smaller vibrations that are
happening within your body, too. Meanwhile, researchers have known for quite
some time that thoughts and behaviors affect the rhythms in your body.
Notably, many researchers are finding these various
vibrations – electromagnetic, sound, and
light – can be used to encourage healing
and even stimulate growth in the body.
According to The Universal Law, everything in the Universe is constantly moving and vibrating – at one speed or
another … nothing rests. Everything around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, and so are you.
Energy healing offers the potential for a shift in the physiological state and present moment awareness which may be the first
step in altering the perspectives that sustain symptom burden. Whether you realize it or not, there is
energy flowing through you that extends to all fields around you. These forces are intimately connected to all
aspects of your well-being – which is the foundation of energy healing. This energy can be sensed, even felt or seen, by practitioners,
allowing them to work to manipulate your energy – using on or many techniques – only to encourage overall wellness. Many people who
have personally received these specific treatments speak of the enormous impact experienced.
It’s important to understand that the more open-minded we are to all of these different tools and modalities to heal, the easier it is to treat people and the more accelerated the healing process goes. Ultimately, is that what it’s all about? How do we essentially help people get better? In reality, we are doing a huge disservice if we are not discussing these concepts of biophysics. When we touch base on biophysics, vibration, and the body electric, it’s important to begin the conversation with the idea of the biofield. Your energy field, or biofield, emanates a couple of feet around you, interconnecting with meridians – energy channels in the body – as well as energy centers, or chakras, which are located in all organs, joints and areas where many nerves come together. The biofield is composed of both measurable electromagnetic energy and hypothetical subtle energy, or chi. This is also referred to as the “human energy field” or “aura”
By the time you feel thirsty, you’re
already slightly dehydrated. Drink ahead
Consume quality fats and oils.
Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables.
Stay inside when it gets too hot.
Dress for the weather.
Be aware of the signs of dehydration.
There are many ways that you can raise your own vibration,
even simply going for a walk to get grounded can help you to
raise your vibration. Other ways include reiki, healing energy,
being of service to others, yoga, meditation and environmental awareness. Basically,
anything that brings you joy may potentially do wonders for
raising your vibe.
These vibrations generate electromagnetic energy waves.
Researchers have found that vibrations and the electromagnetic energy associated with them cause changes
in your cells, which can then affect how your body functions… Temperature, for example, can change the speed of a
molecule’s vibration.